DRÄXLMAIER Ironman Challenge
On the 27th August DRÄXLMAIER Hungary’s 30 employees will make the longest triathlon challenge, the 226km long Ironman race. We dedicate every step to pepople in need: to parents and families caring disabled children. You can support our cause by symbolically adopt a kilometer of our swim, run or cycling and making a donation to the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation. Our fundraising goal is 333.333 Hungarian Forint (appr. 1050 EUR). Please be a part of our story. Let’s help together!
- Mission: DRÄXLMAIER Ironman Challenge
- Challenge: Ironman (long-distance triathlon): 3,8 km swimming - 180 km cycling - 42,2 km running
- Event: DHS Ironman Race
- Date: 2016. August 27.
- Target: 333 333 Forint
Giday Ákos
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Beöthy Botond
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Biczó Balázs
- Profession: Lead Design Engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
David Will
- Profession: Regionál HR Director
- Residence: Coventry
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Deák Andrea
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
I love sports and live an active life. In the Summer I usually support my trainings with road cycling or walking. I believe that these facilities can easily be built in our everiday life as I usually ride to my workplace and back home, or going to my way walking instead of using public transport. Thus was my pleasure to take some kilometers in our company competition that I hope to perform better than my usual average.
Together with my teammates, we would like to draw the attention to those people who are not as readily available for doing sports. FECSKE Szolgálat at Kézenfogva Alapítvány (FECSKE Szolgálat is a helping service for handicapped people and their families to give periodic escort and supply at their homes) gives support and help for families living together with handicapped people. We would like to donate them.
Please, help us with adopting one of my kilometers by a price of a dinner or else!
Thank You!
Dudda Judit
- Profession: executive assistant
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Fehér Máté
- Profession: Fejlesztő mérnök
- Residence: Budaörs
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Gász Attila
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Hajnal Krisztina
- Profession: Data coordinator & Mother
- Residence: Érd
I am a mother running with stroller. But I am also a member of my company iron man team. During the running events I used to meet mothers running with their handicapped children. This time we would like to help these mothers in their everyday struggelrs. Please, adopt one of my running kilometres by donating the price of a dinner or just a few drinks. Many thanks.
Halmos Dávid
- Profession: fejlesztő mérnök
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Huber Kristóf
- Profession: Quality Assurance Engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Kemény Krisztián
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Kotán László
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Kriván Tamás
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Pálos Gábor
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Szűcs László
- Profession: CEO
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Traxler Ádám
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Budapest
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Wittmann Péter
- Profession: Design engineer
- Residence: Diósd
The network of the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation helps hundreds of parents in caring their disabled children. Our goal is to raise money and securing more support for them. Participating at an Ironman competition, the „king of long-distance triathlon” is a huge challenge to our Team, but this great cause gives an extra motivation. Please join us in our efforts. Sponsor a kilometer of our trail, donate in favour of people living with disability! Thank you.
Our generous sponsors
Thank you for your support!
Chambers Linda
Well done David, especially in the heat!
3100 HUFKovács Anikó
C`mon Boti!!!! You can do it!!! Good luck and keep calm. Regards, Aniko & Darryl
3100 HUFWallace Justin
From Justin Wallace, Trend Technoloogies Best wishes
15500 HUFFeketéné Edit
Kedves Ákos! Gratulálok és a jövőben is örömmel támogatom a hasonló kezdeményezéseket!
2000 HUFForgács Máté
Hajrá kolléga!
5000 HUFSebők Ferenc
Hajrá! :)
10000 HUFBalogh Tamás
3500 HUFnagygyörgy zoltán
például Hajrá! Csak így tovább! holnap találkszunk
5000 HUFSchwartz Caroline
Wish you a lot of energy for the run David
9300 HUFSchindlbeck Thomas
I hope it is hot enough for you. Break all olympic records. ;-)
3100 HUFBeöthy Botond
3000 HUFGoebel Lena
Go for it!
XXX HUFDabrowska Agnieszka
with kind regards from Gliwice :)
6200 HUFBöcsödi István
\" MOTO \", lélekben veled leszünk! Evici-Pisti70 :-)
5000 HUFUjvári Anikó
Példaértékű a megmozdulásotok, hajrá Krisztián! :-)
5000 HUFWallner Krisztián
7635 HUFKriván Péterné
3500 HUFDeák Andrea
3500 HUFAlvégi György
hajrá 100%-hoz
5000 HUFBiczó Balázs
Minden bele!
Hajrá!!! :)
5115 HUFBlága Anett
Gratulálok a kezdeményezéshez! Nagyon kreatív és ötletes :)
XXX HUFNemes család
3000 HUFWallis Jenni and Tom
Go David!
6200 HUFRusznyak Andras
Sok sikert! A 15. km-en azért jussak eszedbe ;-)
5000 HUFKrisztián Kemény
Szoboszlay László felajánlása egyenesen Angliából! Köszönjük Laci!
3000 HUFLőke Maya Mária
2000 HUFSmyth David
Glad to support you Akos. Have a great event. Best of luck David
Good Luck!!
XXX HUFTowers Anthony
4650 HUFBusu Gina-Maria
All the best for you!
3100 HUFHuber Kristóf
XXX HUFGyörgy Tibor
3500 HUFKotán László
5000 HUFMacura Tomasz
Greetings from Poland- Gliwice !
4095 HUFGász Attila
Bízz magadban, az erő veled van!
5000 HUFHarfouch Dániel
Drukkolunk, hajrá! ;)
3500 HUFHalmosné Dénes Vali
3500 HUFStralek Stephi
3100 HUFTabellion Linus
6200 HUFKeményné Ujvári Ildikó
Sok sikert Krisztián! Neked és a csapatnak egyaránt!
3500 HUFSpaeth Ursula
Viel Erfolg!
4650 HUFLepper Barbara
Mighty Mighty Walberberg!
XXX HUFTótfalusi David
5000 HUFKlein Anja
Dear David, go for it! Beat you personal best and enjoy.
4650 HUFDudda Judit
Ki a jobb? DHS :) !!!
3000 HUFSchneider Ulla
31000 HUFCsáki Brigitta
XXX HUFBaumann-Segaud Jutta
Lauf David Lauf !
3100 HUFKovácsné Biró Tímea
XXX HUFVégh Ilona
Hajrá Dávid!
1500 HUFVégh Károly
Srácok, ez jófejség. @Dräxlmaier: Hut ab und Respekt für die Unterstützung und dessen 2:1 Verhältnis!
3500 HUFKriván Tamás
5000 HUFGrueterich Friederike
To David & his team members: wish you a great event, a lot of fun & many other supporters! Cheers, Rike
7750 HUFGerencsér Tibor
10000 HUFWill David
I am really looking forward guys!
5000 HUFSzécsi Tamás
Csak lazán :)
1500 HUFJozsa Judit
Hajrá, büszke vagyok Rád!
3500 HUFBeöthyné Sitkei Ildikó
Szívvel ajánlom...!!!!
3500 HUFKrizsán Attila
Hajrá Botyiee!!
Hajrá Vasemberek!
XXX HUFHalmos Dávid
5000 HUFBenke Anita
Hajra Akos:)
20000 HUFJackli Dóra
1500 HUFKantó Csaba
Amíg ilyen kezdeményezések létrejönnek, megmarad az emberekbe vetett hitem! Hajrá!!
5000 HUFKapcár Ferenc
Krisztián Hard from Hungary!!! ?
10000 HUFKrisztián Kemény
3500 HUFKovács Gábor
5000 HUFSzűcs László
5000 HUFHalmai Dénes
Rakjátok meg neki!
3000 HUFThe team
Our story

- Team: DRÄXLMAIER Hungary
- Challenge: Ironman (long-distance triathlon): 3,8 km swimming - 180 km cycling - 42,2 km running


















Earlier this year we made a commitment to raise money for Hand in Hand Foundation by participating at a national Ironman championship. Finally the event was cancelled, but it couldn’t push us back from keeping our words. Now we will organize our own competition and we will help disabled children and their families.
On the 27th August DRÄXLMAIER Hungary’s 30 employees will participate at the company’s first ever sports competition, the DHS Ironman Race. We are not professional athletes, only engineers. Most of us hasn’t even participated in triathlon race. However, the goal of helping families in need makes us super-motivated. Nothing can stop us! Please sponsor a mile of our run, swim or cycling. Your donation can also help us get further. Let’s support the Hungarian Hand in Hand Foundation’s efforts in helping people living with disabilities!
The Hand in Hand Foundation (literally, Kézenfogva Alapítvány) is a non-profit organisation that aims to improve life circumstances of people with disabilities, their families and professionals working for and with them.
The Foundation has developed a service model that provides support to families raising children and youngsters with disabilities in Hungary, which is called the FECSKE Service. It offers support to families of people with disabilities with the goal of lightening the load on caregivers so that they can regain and maintain their own physical and mental health, expand their social spheres, be active members of the workforce. In doing this, FECSKE staff improve the quality of life of all members of these families. The FECSKE Network dreams of a world where families with disabled persons can live complete life.
The service itself supports families to keep their family members with disability in the family care instead of residential care. The service provides home care and accompanying services in a flexible and reliable manner to families caring for disabled persons. The model is going on from 2007 in the six counties of Hungary, with six partner organisations.
In 2015 the Hand in Hand Fondation’s “FECSKE Network” provided high-standard caregiving services to more than 450 families. In addition to that, other programs of the foundation reached 3451 people in need.
Please, support our goal! Make it more!
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