Who we help

Hand in Hand Foundation

Fecske_4Founded in 1993, Hand in Hand Foundation (literally, Kézenfogva Alapítvány) is a non-profit organisation that aims to improve life circumstances of people with disabilities, their families and professionals working for and with them.

In our eyes, the evolution of mentally disabled people’s life quality reflects the Hungarian society’s maturity. As longs as society cannot accept and appreciate the fact that it can only become an integral whole by respecting individual differences, we fail to fulfil our dream and there is a lot to be done.

Our aims:

  1. Improve the living condition of children and adults with disabilities, promoting their development.
  2. Help their care-takers and specialists by organizing trainings.
  3. Promote the inclusion of people with disabilities.

Hand in Hand Foundation is a member of the European Association of Service Providers for People with Disability.


Fecske_3The FECSKE Network

Hand in Hand Foundation has developed a service model that provides support to families raising children and youngsters with disabilities in Hungary, which is called FECSKE Service.

The FECSKE Network dreams of a world where families with disabled persons can live complete life.

The service itself supports families to keep their family members with disability in the family care instead of residential care. The service provides home care and accompanying services in a flexible and reliable manner to families caring for disabled persons. The model is going on from 2007 in the six counties of Hungary, with six partner organisations.

The FECSKE Service offers support to families of people with disabilities with the goal of lightening the load on caregivers so that they can regain and maintain their own physical and mental health, expand their social spheres, be active members of the workforce. In doing this, FECSKE staff improve the quality of life of all members of these families.

AdomanyozzThe families raising children and young people with disabilities in Hungary still do not have equal opportunities to participate in shaping community life as members of the society and the local community. The basic objective of the FECSKE Service is to improve the availability of health care, cultural and other services to the members of families taking care of persons with disabilities and to improve their chances in finding and retaining workplaces.

In 2015 the Hand in Hand Fondation’s “FECSKE Network” provided high-standard caregiving services to more than 450  families. In addition to that, other programs of the foundation reached 3451 people in need.


Please, support our goals!

The sportsmen of the “KezenFogva Mozdulunk” team are making their best to get supportance for expanding the organizations services and helping even more people in need. Please join them in their efforts! Support their run, swim, tracking, or any other activities and challenges!

Thank you.

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Or join our team! More info: varadi.ildiko@kezenfogva.hu >>>